Apr 3Author

magazine collage and any kind of scrapbooking or mood boarding underrated, going to add to my list!

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My go-to hobby is cooking indeed.

I like cooking for my family (and I also like eating so it's a win win).

Plus, I hate most restaurants because they can never cook as good as me 😅

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Any kind of fiber art… right now crocheting is one of my favorites. Making complicated granny squares with different colors. Especially using patterns from Aussie designers like Shelley Husband. I like the challenge and the opportunity to create!

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I love this piece. Recently I saw something about using hands as a digital detox. I love Hands-on, thumbs off. I used to do a lot of crafting, sewing, knitting. But I ended up with unfinished stuff filling the house so gave it up. I like the idea of colouring books - much easier to dispose of when done. Reading and writing seems to suck my time right now as I learn how to write well.

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This resonates. I’ve been reading paperbacks from bookfinder instead of ebooks and it’s been amazing how much more pleasant it is to sit at a coffee shop, bar, or the couch, pen in hand, without the distraction of reading on a digital device.

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Inspired by a Kurt Vonnegut letter I try and do “disposable poetry” on physical paper. 15 minutes with a prompt and then throw it away. No pressure, no expectations, just easy way to create something.

Idk if writing technically counts with the hand connection stuff though 🤷‍♂️😂

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❤️ this! “Granny hobbies” … I love to indulge in reading / slow-sewing / mixed media collage / gardening / fermenting / photography / doodling and colouring in / word-search puzzles / perfecting the art of making tea / jam-making / painting 🌷 I’m sure there’s lots more that I’ve forgotten!

🤔 not so sure about ideas for “Grandpa hobbies” … my husband is an avid football fan so armchair-coaching is his fav hobby (aka yelling at the tv, gesticulating wildly with his hands 😂), but other than that, all I can think of is photography

Love this theory!

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Love, love, love this! My primary mantras are A) creativity is both an infinite resource and a human birthright, and B) being creative/creating things is good for your mental health. My personal "granny hobbies" are reading, embroidery, crochet (badly still), collage, sewing, painting, coloring, and many other "arts & crafts" type activities. I have never met an art or crafting supply that I didn't have at least some fondness for.

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Apr 4Liked by Anu

Not hands-on, but certainly thumbs off >> listening to music. It can change my mood immediately and easy to combine with a hands-on activity like cooking to get the benefits of both

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Model trains are definitely a grandpa hobby. I am a gardener and it gives me more fulfillment than anything else I've done in life.

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The more granny hobbies, the merrier! 💓 I'm all about crafting and baking and taking little walks.

Magazine collage is a favorite activity and I'm just starting to use this to make graphics for my substack (which is all about enjoying a multifaceted creative life!) - jessbarker.substack.com

The quirky cottage I bought was previously owned by a granny artist/ gardener/ cook/ home mural-painter/ lover-of-life, so since moving in it's been my mission to get more in tune with the creative granny energy around me!

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I love reading but only digitally so I guess that takes out the benefits.

But cooking is something I want to learn when I find the time.

Now I have even more reasons to do it thanks Anu

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I started with coloring, and then doodling, next I’ll color some of my doodle creations. Lately, I’ve been thinking, if I get really good at drawing intricate doodles, I could sell them as a coloring book too. I love puzzling and crafting too!

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Loved reading this. At first, I frowned at the granny hobby label but actually I don’t mind now. I love gardening, baking, sowing and a couple of years ago turned my pottery hobby into a “business”. Still a work in progress because I love it too much to turn it into something I’ll end up hating. Anyway, great piece.

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This resonates so much! For me the granny hobbies are definitely cooking, boardgames and making tea but can certainly imagine accruing more. I also love the expression 'hands on, thumbs off' - I'm going to start tracking this and see what difference it makes to have some time a day that consciously falls into the category.

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Knitting socks for myself and giving away—never for money. Woodworking, rewilding my yard, gardening, cooking, mending much-loved clothing and objects, growing things.

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